The Car Trackers

Engine Cleaning

Keeping Your Vehicle’s Engine Clean

, Keeping Your Vehicle’s Engine Clean

, Keeping Your Vehicle’s Engine Clean

While your car’s engine may be hidden underneath the hood, it pays to keep it clean. Regular cleaning can keep your engine in good shape for many years to come. We here at Car Trackers want you to be an informed vehicle owner and know how to take care of your ride, so here are some quick and easy steps for cleaning your engine.

First and foremost, you need to make sure that your engine is completely cooled. It’s also a good idea to do the job on a warm day so that any moisture can evaporate quickly. Once you pop the hood, you’ll need to remove any caps and covers. You can clean these out separately.

To keep electrical components safe, cover them with plastic. After the work area is prepared, you can get to cleaning. You can use any household degreaser to spray the engine bay. If there are some stubborn spots, use a small synthetic brush to scrub them away. Then, simply rinse the degreaser off with water and wipe away any excess moisture with a towel until its dry.

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